Sunday 28 July 2013

CMGT 442 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Risk Assessment Presentation

CMGT 442 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Risk Assessment Paper

CMGT 442 Week 5 DQ 2

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Based on the Shaw (2009) article, why would you consider deploying an Intrusion Protection System (IPS) over an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to enhance enterprise risk management? What are the major factors to consider when employing this technology?
Shaw, R. (2009). Intrusion prevention systems market trends. Faulkner Information Services.

CMGT 442 Week 5 DQ 1

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Based on the Drumheller (2010) article, do you consider conducting an information security gap analysis on a regular basis an essential best practice for ensuring enterprise risk management? What are the major factors to consider when conducting an information security gap analysis?

Drumheller, R. (2010). Conducting an information security gap analysis. Faulkner Information Services

CMGT 442 Week 4 Individual Assignment Huffman Trucking Outsourcing Risks

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Prepare a 3- to 5-page paper that identifies the possible risks to an
organization in each of the following outsourcing situations:
 a) the use of an external service provider for your data storage
 b) the use of an enterprise service provider for processing information systems applications such as a payroll, human resources, or sales order
c) the use of a vendor to support your desktop computers and

d) the use of a vendor to provide network support. The paper will include a risk mitigation strategy for each situation. One mitigation strategy, because of personnel and facility limitations, cannot be proposed in the paper, because it eliminates the outsourcing by bringing the situation in house.

CMGT 442 Week 4 DQ 2

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Based on the Barr (2007) article, what changes would you recommend for the Information Security Forum’s 2007 Standard? Which of these changes must be incorporated into the enterprise’s risk management plan?
Barr, J. G. (2007). The standard of good practice for information security. Faulkner Information Services.

CMGT 442 Week 4 DQ 1

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Based on the Ainsworth (2009) article, might an effective risk management plan be considered a process that may restore all systems, businesses, processes, facilities, and people? What are the major issues to consider?
Ainsworth, M. (2009). The business continuity planning process. Faulkner Information Services.